Along with four other participants, I recently attended a Healing Spaces workshop led by Eva.

I knew I was in safe hands with Eva because, over the past few years, she has passionately pursued opportunities to develop a deep intimate relationship with God which has resulted in her receiving personal healing and experiencing greater freedom. She has also developed confidence to speak sensitively and prophetically into the lives of others.

I loved the structure of this retreat. Before the retreat, each participant prepared a vision board, and this was used as a prophetic instrument to hear from God. As a group we prayed over each vision board and lovingly described what God showed us, I found this experience very comforting and affirming. As we dived deep into the pictures, then narrowed down to one specific picture, I felt loved, safe and challenged as Eva and the other participants discerned what God was telling me about His future plans for me. I left the workshop feeling immensely blessed, with renewed confidence and encouragement to take brave new steps in my journey with the Lord.

I can promise you that Healing Spaces is a safe intimate space where you are free to be authentic and real. You can trust Eva with your deepest secrets – she is prayerful, sensitive, discerning, and loving – with a deep desire to call out the very best in her participants. Be Brave! Go for it! Sign up for a Healing Spaces Workshop,1:1 coaching or retreat. You won’t regret it. You have nothing to lose! We all carry wounds – life wounds us – and often we become stuck. Get unstuck – become the person God intends you to be!

I will look back on this retreat as being a key milestone in my own personal journey in becoming more intimately connected with our creator. I pray you will be equally blessed.